Whole30 Printables: Quick Start Your Whole30
Whole30 was the beginning for us so these Whole30 Printables were essential side-of-fridge reminders. The beginning is always a a great place to start.
To get a grasp of the program you should begin with Dallas & Melissa Hartwig’s book It Starts With Food. This will outline the how, why, when – everything that you need to know, not just for the program but for your health. Your library should carry it too. I live in a large city that has multiple copies; it takes very little wait time to get it. So, if you’re still in research mode get on the list.
If, however, you are a typical American (but, hey, maybe you’re not, maybe you’re laid back, good for you, there’s too much rushing in the world) then you are impatient. You found it and want to figure it all out yesterday. The Hartwig’s are gracious enough to accommodate you too. Just check out their site. The Whole30 plan is laid out in enough detail that you can get going right away (well, after you clean out your pantry, fridge, hidden stashes, and go grocery shopping).
I am a planner. I probably enjoy planning more than doing whatever it is I’ve planned. So, to get started I planned some meals. And, by some I mean all weeks, three meals a day for four people. I also, decided what I needed to see every day to help me stay on track. I wanted one page printables so I adapted the info from the plan to fit on single sheets of paper. Here is what went up on my fridge the day before Day 1.
Whole30 Printables
The Rules – the full rules can be read here they also have a download but it’s four pages long and I wanted something simple and concise to quickly reference.
After that went up a Hunger vs. Cravings reminder, to interpret in more detail check out the Whole 30 guide to decision making
Next, came a timeline. This is a condensed version of the timeline here, again I just wanted a one page reference. Make sure you read the full versions while you are researching, besides it’s funny.

I workout – just a quick reference on what I can grab before/ after a workout.
The website also has loads of downloads, but the only one I went back to a few times and eventually printed out was the meal planning template. I found the little graphics for portion sizes a handy tool.
The last thing that I have up all the time is my Meal Plan. This is what I spend my Sundays doing. if you click on the image it will open in Canva (free software) as a template you can copy and edit.
I hope these Whole30 Printables will help you out on your journey. Drop a comment below and let us know what you find helpful!