Submit Events

Greater Houston Moms loves hearing about events for Houston families! If you would like to let us know about an event or activity for possible inclusion in our calendar please fill out the form below. To share a class/ activity or camp please visit the links.

We curate our calendar to be of interest to our audience and cannot promise that all submissions will be included. Additionally, the more time we have the more likely appropriate listings will be included.

To guarantee publication consider a listing in the Monthly Guaranteed Top 10.

These listing are the best bang for your buck. They receive all the bells-and-whistles which will drive people to your site long after your event has passed. Guaranteed Top 10 Listings receive:

  • Inclusion in our monthly Newsletter with a direct link to your event, 
  • A 4:3 photo accompanying your listing,
  • Fully linked dedicated event listing page with full SEO on GHM
  • Your listing page will be shared once to our Facebook page (and applicable FB Groups of 10,000+ families), Twitter (X) page, and included in our Top 10 Post on Instagram. 

To learn more join the list and email to upgrade your listing.

When you submit your information below you will be added to our marketing list. We do not like spam so we will not send it! Only expect an occasional email from us when marketing opportunities arise – such as a reminder to submit your holiday events. Once signed up you will have access to our event submission form, which you may bookmark to by pass signing up again. However, feel free to use “sign up” as much as you need to as it will not add your information multiple times.