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How to Celebrate Earth Day in Houston

Earth Day in Houston is a celebration of conservation, the outdoors, and family-friendly fun. All around town museums, groups, and attractions are putting together events and festivals for families.

Spring is generally a gorgeous time to be out and about in Houston and what better reason than to celebrate the planet? While Earth Day is a great reminder to be cognizant of our impact everyday is a great time to find a way to green up your routine. Volunteering is another great way to give back and set the right tone for your family. Even better, some of the Houston area volunteer needs are in urban gardens and parks so you can spend time outdoors as a family doing something meaningful whether or not it is actually Earth Day.

Fun fact: Earth Day started 1970 and is now celebrated in more than 190 countries. Which means, over 1 billion people mobilize every year to pitch in and help the planet. In fact, over 95% of primary and secondary schools do something to commemorate the day. (So much impact and influence on young lives to do better!)

If you are not able to celebrate at one of the fun festivals around town you can always do something smaller and just as meaningful. When you take a walk bring a small bag to pick up litter. Likewise, spend some time in the dirt – plant a garden or switch out some ornamental plants for natives that require less water (and work!). Another simple change is to simply become more aware – the next time you need to replace something look in to sustainable options. Make every day Earth day!

Now, find an Earth Day event near you today and let us know how you like to celebrate!

Earth Day Celebrations in Houston

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Earth Day in Houston - Find family-friendly celebrations!

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