Cute and Creative DIY Halloween Costumes for Kids
Halloween Costumes, Kids be like,
“I wannabethegreenninjabatmanwiththisbloodymachete!”
Budget tight? Out of time? Tell the truth. You just don’t want to walk into a retail store between now and after Christmas.
That’s okay we’ve got you covered. Check out our round-up of the best DIY Halloween Costumes for Kids. These out of the closet and off-the-hobby-store-rack costumes that are sure to impress, not stress for your little ghoul.
Also check out our:
DIY Costumes for Her
Tick Tock! Easy Last Minute Halloween Costumes
Places to go this Fall
Ursula the Sea Witch
What I love about this one is that it’s not completely literal!? This little girl isn’t hauling around ten pounds of tentacles or melting in makeup.
You could easily pull this off by making a quick tulle skirt of mostly purple with some stripes of black to represent the tentacles (the photo shows actual tentacles, but the effect would be similar with just tulle and probably faster, cheaper, and lighter). There are literally a thousand tutorials on how to make these but in essence, it’s very similar to how we made this tulle wreath (measure a length of elastic for the “belt” and lightly knot to size, use a piece of tulle that measures as high as your child’s waist and then double that measurement – if her waist is 20″ from the ground then your pieces need to be 40 inches, fold the length of your tulle pieces in half, loop and pull through around the elastic, repeat until you have a skirt, adjust your knot to fit).
Black and Purple Tulle (at least 20 yards), Elastic, Trident, Shell Necklace, Tiara?(make one from glitter cardstock and a headband), Black leotard, and tights
Rubik’s Cube
I love, love, love this creation from Design Mom. She gives a very complete tutorial if you want to pull this one off. But, you could probably wing it. To make this DIY Halloween costume you’ll need a nice square 18″ box (or cut a bigger one down to size), a box cutter, packing tape, a can of black spray paint, double-sided tape, and cardstock in the traditional red, green, yellow, blue, pink, and white.

Baby Aerobics Instructor
This one might be my favorite and you probably have a ton of the “parts” already!? Not to mention how comfy does this kid look?!? For the full details including an up-close?look at that plush boombox head over to Home Made by Jill.
This look needs a long-sleeved onesie, leggings, leg warmers, a headband, and (of course) a boombox.
Scuba Diver
This one only requires enough foresight to hang on to some 2-liters and not put the goggles away for the winter. You should be able to pull it off with a lot of things already around the house and can be customized in color for whatever you little people wish. Check out the full tutorial at Delineate Your Dwelling.
You’ll need: Black Pajamas, 2 2-Liter Bottles, Rope, Spray Paint, Black Tape, Silver Tape, Sponge Hair Curlers, Swim Goggles & Snorkel.

Bumble Bee Costume
This is another no-sew option that is beyond adorable. Sugar Bee Crafts came up with this one and it couldn’t bee any easier!? You probably already have some black clothes to wear underneath, you just need a shirt and leggings. To learn how to make the whole ensemble check out her complete tutorial.
You’ll need: Black and Yellow Tulle or Sparkle Tulle (at least 20 yards), Elastic, Black leotard, and tights, wooden beads, yellow and black craft paint, string/ yarn, and an antennae & wings set

I’m really hoping I can talk one of my boys into this one. It’s the best. Heck, maybe I’ll just make myself a beard and axe!
To pull this look off check out Makeit-Loveit’s full tutorial and photoshoot – that little guy is adorable.
You’ll need: plaid flannel shirt, jeans, 1/4 yard beard fleece and matching thread, 1/8″ wide elastic, Beanie, For Axe: Buy a Toy Axe or 1″ Dowl cut to desired axe handle size, gray/ silver paint, leather cording, hot glue & gun; For Suspenders: Buy Suspenders or 1″ wide elastic, and 4 suspender clips.

Train and Conductor
This little engineer is the cutest. His blogging mom posted a full tutorial at The Ophoffs. She did a great job of reusing things from around the house like old boxes, a yardstick, paper plates, and of course duct tape.
To pull off a similar look you’ll need: A paper box, a shoe box, 2 hat boxes, black paper plates, silver and gold paint, Nylon strapping, stapler, duct tape, box cutter, hot glue & gun, metal funnel, conductor hat,? red bandana, and overalls.
Helpful accessories are a circle cutter, a t-square, a circle punch, and a Cricut.

For more options check out all of our DIY Halloween Costumes for Kids Pinterest Board: