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FEB 15 | Celebrating Black History Month at Children’s Museum Houston


Free (included with General Admission)




Children’s Museum Houston | 1500 Binz St, Houston, TX 77004

Celebrating Black History Month DETAILS

From the organizer:

ou’re invited to celebrate the legacy and contributions of the African American community during February Black History Month at Children’s Museum Houston.

Storytime- I See You by Alicia Pal-Singh: I See You is written by a mother who uses her imagination to tell her child all the wonderful things she sees in his future. The book aims to encourage children to believe that anything is possible. All children should have this book to ignite excitement for learning and self-confidence.

When: At 11 am in the Parent Resource Library

Profiles in Black by The Ensemble Theatre: Lost on a school field trip, four children stumble upon a mysterious 13th floor of a museum where they discover a hidden Black History exhibit. As they interact with the artifacts, they are magically transported into the lives of prominent Black artists & activists

When: Noon in Brown Auditorium

Storytime with ABC13 News Anchor

When: At 1 pm in the Parent Resource Library

Captain America Meet & Greet and Storytimes: Celebrate Black History with a special meet-and-greet with Sam Wilson for a fun, inspiring, and empowering superhero experience.

When: From 10 am to 3 pm in Kid’s Hall Alcove

Historic Black Women of Texas by Dance Afrikana: Journey through Texas history through the lens of Black Women who’ve made history. From Betty Simmons to Bessie Coleman, the audience will learn stories of women from enslavement to emancipation and beyond who defied the odds as trailblazers in education, politics, aviation, and more!

When: At 3 pm in Brown Auditorium


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