We Read

Everytime I go to the library we end up checking out more books.  Today we checked out 29 (okay, 27, two were DVDs).  One was a book for Book Club (mirale, of miracles I’ve actually had time to read lately) the rest were for the kids.  I think our biggest issue is that we discovered the wheeled carts.  Before, it was just little ol’ Mom with her library bag.  The cart allows us to go over and above the weight limit of my shoulder – which is okay until it is time to schlep the load to the car, with the kids.  I might have to go back to physical therapy if we keep it up.  Lifelong maiming is worth instilling a life long love of books in my children, right?

My five year old pretty randomly chooses a book by its cover and puts it in the cart.  I went to the bathroom and came back and the bottom basket was full.  My favorite of his random choices is called Feliciana Feydra LeRoux: a Cajun Tall Tale {aff link}.  Check out this cover, I had to double check that it was in English.  It is, though I’m anticipating some stumbling over the Cajun vocabulary. I’m pretty sure the alligator was the selling characteristic.

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