Houston Hurricane Help

Houston Hurricane Help Printable

Hey look, it’s raining!

It is that time of year again – Houston Hurricane season!? Instead crossing our fingers and hoping we are fortunate enough to make it all the way to the later alphabet before we feel any real impacts of the tropical season now is time to focus on preparing.

Hopefully, your hurricane supplies are kept stocked and ready. If not, it is time to check your battery stock, buy some extra water and canned goods, and pull out the generator and give it a good once over. We are on track for an active hurricane season in the Gulf this year. Do not wait until the power goes out – better to be prepared than caught out.

In the spirit of preparedness, we have a handy printable for you to stick on your fridge. Finding help in an emergency is stressful enough. Keep these numbers on hand so you do not have to worry about finding them when you need them. Feel free to laminate it and share it with your friends. Know where to turn and be prepared.

For complete updated information be sure to bookmark Houston Hurricane Information: Important Numbers, Links, and How To Help and I’ve Flooded Now What?!

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