Paper Dissection Models for Life Science and Biology Ideas and Options
Disclaimer: I don’t know Getting Nerdy. They’re not paying me. I just think it looks cool – and, I’m cheap!

I ran across these 3-D Paper Dissection Models at Getting Nerdy and thought they looked really good. If you’re not going to use a real one then these would be a great option. Unless you are moving into the upper sciences I don’t see why accurate paper models wouldn’t work and may be preferable. For starters, unless you, as the teacher, have a Biology background it’s probably been a while since you did a dissection on something real and identifying those parts may not be as easy as you think. Next, it will really give you a great intro to knowing what parts you are looking for, their appropriate names, accurate locations, and the clean up and smell are going to be a lot easier. These start at $11.95 each or can be purchased as a Vertebrate or Invertebrate bundle. Currently, available are a Sponge, Clam, Seastar, Crayfish, Frog, Earthworm, Eye, Squid, Grasshopper, Perch, Snake, Rat, Shark, Cat, Bird, and Fetal Pig.
Since I am cheap and hate paying for things it does seem pertinent to see what else is out there because while these seem like a reasonable buy I am not exactly well versed in the costs of dissection kits.
Other Dissection Options (some do have affiliate links, some I just found for your enjoyment):
- Paper Dissection – Frog (Free) – posted on a teacher’s Google Site Bio Peeps
- 4D Frog Anatomy Model (Currently $25.99) – this company, Fame Master, has a lot of options (Great White Shark, Human Head, Human Skin, Human Ear, Human Male Reproductive System, Human Female Reproductive System, Human Stomach, Animal Cell, Plant Cell, Dolphin, Giraffe, Tiger, Chicken, Crocodile, and some dinosaurs), the downside of this model over the paper model is that it costs a bit more and will take up more space for storing etc., but you can reuse it for another kid.
- The Uncover Books (used around $4) – we love these books and they are great for younger and older kiddos (though some parts will probably break from the love of the five and under age group). ?These would probably be best used in conjunction with other activities because being a book it does limit the hands-on portion of dissection. There are many options and several are available in Spanish.
- Knitted Options (patterns are $4, kits are between $25 and $105) – if you want to incorporate some handwork you can get a knitting pattern from aKNITomy, an Etsy shop. She has a frog, mouse, bat, rat, organs, earthworm, and fetal pig available.
- The Whole Frog Project: Virtual Frog Dissection (Free) – all online
So, lot’s of options! I really like the first ones as a more in-depth option over the Uncover Books, perhaps when we loop back around to Biology.