Houston September Garden Care
September garden time! We are so close to being able to head back outside and enjoy our yards…just after all these fall storms pass!
Now is the time in to add some color to your September garden. We have such a nice long growing season that you will get your money’s worth with fall plants.
September Garden Care Checklist:
 Weed as needed…forever.
 Hurricane prep – trim back tree limbs and remove dead limbs.
Lawn care:
- Continue mowing as needed until your lawn goes dormant.
- Continue your fertilizing schedule until 4-6 weeks before the first expected frost (about Nov. 23, 2018 – so stop fertilizing in late October).
- Once dormant you may not need to water unless the winter is warm and dry.
- Apply a pre-emergent herbicide when the soil temperatures drop to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Care of Common Houston-Area Plants:
- Bulbs
- So many choices to get in the ground soon. These bulbs will be your early bloomers to announce spring! In our zone, some bulbs may require pre-chilling so read your instructions.
- Allium, Anemone, Iris, Crocus, Daffodil, Freesia, Fritillaria, Hyacinth, Muscari, Peony, Ranunculus, Snowdrops, Bluebells, some tulips
- Gardenias
- Prune after blooming, as needed.
- Gladiolus
- Pinch off faded flowers.
- Cut back stalks, once they begin to brown or yellow, to an inch above the corms, leave at least 4 leaves intact.
- Mandarin Trees and other Citrus
- Water if the soil dries out, water should penetrate an inch or so down
- Fertilize monthly from February to October if your plant is less than two years old, remove suckers as needed.
- Edible Garden
- September is a bit late to start but you might be able to sneak in some fast-growing plants. If it starts to get too cold replace your mulch with plastic sheeting to retain heat. Veggies to try: Blueberries (for strong spring blooming), Broccoli, Garlic, Lettuces, Radishes, and Spinach.
- Which are your fall planting successes?
All right, now it’s time to head outside and get to work!