Trip Report (6.1) – Cozumel
After the beach in Cozumel I took Will for his nap and Dave and the guys went to a bar on the peir (2 tecates for $3). Here’s…
Trip Report (6.0) – Cozumel
Okay, no excuse here, I have no idea why we don’t have pics from this one. We went to Playa Palancar as one big happy family. But, I…
Trip Report (5.0) – A Single Mom in Grand Cayman on Valentine’s Day
Dave-O went diving in Grand Cayman so there are no pics. I was not about to carry one more thing (camera included). I had a baby and a…
Trip Report (4.3) – Picture time
Everynight several stations/backdrops are set up aroubd the boat for pictures. On this lovely evening I couldn’t find one I liked so we monopolized the main staircase. Chris…
Trip Report (4.2) – All beached out
After all that hard partying little boo was pooped. So, he had a good meal and took a little nap. Third one is a nice shot of our…
Trip Report (4.1) – some other people came with Will to the beach
Not sure how this pic got on our camera, but it was pretty cute. And, you are most welcome – I photoshopped the fat people out of the…
Trip Report (4.0) – Land, Ho! (Get your mom out of the way)
Finally, we made it one of our lovely Ports-of-Call, Jamaica. Not my personal fave but Will had a nice time. We have some cute video of this beach…
Trip Report (3.3) – Dinner Time!
And, thankfully, they had plenty of his favorite food – spoons.
Trip Report (3.2) – So, what was next?
Yup, getting ready for dinner. I really meant it when I said FDAS were planning one meal to the next.