Around the House

Whenever a friend shares with me their excitement at purchasing their first home I always say, “Congratulations and welcome to the world of projects!”  I have never met a house that is “move-in ready” – there is always something to do!  This section is pretty self explanatory (yeah, that’s the kind of faith I have in your intellect).

I like to pretend I spend all day spinning in sunlit circles of a sun-dappled garden overflowing with supple vegetation, my broom skirt fanning out like the open petals of a delicate flower.  But, my garden is much more survival of the fittest than Garden of Eden, we may get in touch with my hippie side (while here we do not discuss my gas-guzzling SUV or how I stop recycling when the bin is full) or we may go build something.

Homemaking adventures range far and wide from spreading mulch to cleaning toilets (and every project in between).

Let’s sing Kum ba yah and hang out Around the House.

Creative Commons License photo credit: macfanmd

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