And, now we’re home

I was going to post some pics, but I think the camera’s still in the car.  So, they’re still on their way.

However, we made it home from the flat lovely state of Kansas.  SBW’s Unca Bubba graduated and looked smashing while doing so.  SBW did sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better on the drive home than on the drive up.  Since, the night drive proved cryalicious we went ahead and drove during the day.  Much easier on my wonderful husband (and me since I didn’t have to drive – yeah!) and, of course, SBW.  He slept 70% of the daytime drive.  (Maybe being able to see out the window helped hypnotize him to sleep? maybe he wasn’t teething?  In anycase, much much better).  Barney and a couple of stops helped out wih the other 30%.

All in all, very glad to be home and back in my nice king sized bed.

Okay, you talked me into it.  Here’s a pic of when Will took over for a little while.  He took the OKC to Dallas leg.

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