Wee Master William’s Wild and Crazy Night

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times (That’s old enough to be out of copyright, right?). Wee Will is not having the greatest of times.  It might have been the black beans I fed him for lunch yesterday or perhaps a delayed reaction to the yogurt, he so dearly loves (it being the first food he let me feed him from a spoon, and wanted more!).  In either case, the kid has some horrid diaper rash kickin’.  I don’t know if that’s why he kept waking up screaming and crying, but I’m sure it didn’t help.  So, that was our night.  Sad tears.  Rough getting back to sleep.  Not even the usual happy go lucky kiddo I wake up to everyday (another perk of co-sleeping). He just laid on his back and watched the fan for about fifteen minutes, nursed a little, then decided it was happy-time (at least, happy-time came).

Anyhoo, today should be a real parenting blast.  I think he might stick with a liquid diet today.

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