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Trip Report (2.4) – Dinner
Fun Days at Sea are really just filling time from one meal to the next. So, finally, we arrived at dinner. It was the first formal night so…

Oh, Christmas Cards! Oh, Christmas Cards!
I am not sure if anyone has ever noticed but I love my computer. I love how fast it connects, how much data it can store, and how…
What's that sound? Why's he singin' a song ?
Connected by MOTOBLUR™ on T-Mobile
Look, we still have dogs!
Just so you see they’re not being too neglected. I mean they are sharing that bed so some good has come of having a baby in the house. We’re…
Where’s Will Now?
Will decided to initiate a game of peek-a-boo behind the shower curtain yesterday. It was pretty darn sweet and he thought he was absolutely hi-larious. Enjoy. [googlevideo=] The…
Fall Fun Day at School
The kids were supposed to wear their costumes to school today. Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture?
Trip Report (2.4) – Dinner
Fun Days at Sea are really just filling time from one meal to the next. So, finally, we arrived at dinner. It was the first formal night so…

Oh, Christmas Cards! Oh, Christmas Cards!
I am not sure if anyone has ever noticed but I love my computer. I love how fast it connects, how much data it can store, and how…
What's that sound? Why's he singin' a song ?
Connected by MOTOBLUR™ on T-Mobile
Look, we still have dogs!
Just so you see they’re not being too neglected. I mean they are sharing that bed so some good has come of having a baby in the house. We’re…
Where’s Will Now?
Will decided to initiate a game of peek-a-boo behind the shower curtain yesterday. It was pretty darn sweet and he thought he was absolutely hi-larious. Enjoy. [googlevideo=] The…
Fall Fun Day at School
The kids were supposed to wear their costumes to school today. Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture?
Trip Report (2.4) – Dinner
Fun Days at Sea are really just filling time from one meal to the next. So, finally, we arrived at dinner. It was the first formal night so…

Oh, Christmas Cards! Oh, Christmas Cards!
I am not sure if anyone has ever noticed but I love my computer. I love how fast it connects, how much data it can store, and how…
What's that sound? Why's he singin' a song ?
Connected by MOTOBLUR™ on T-Mobile
Look, we still have dogs!
Just so you see they’re not being too neglected. I mean they are sharing that bed so some good has come of having a baby in the house. We’re…
Where’s Will Now?
Will decided to initiate a game of peek-a-boo behind the shower curtain yesterday. It was pretty darn sweet and he thought he was absolutely hi-larious. Enjoy. [googlevideo=] The…
Fall Fun Day at School
The kids were supposed to wear their costumes to school today. Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture?
Trip Report (2.4) – Dinner
Fun Days at Sea are really just filling time from one meal to the next. So, finally, we arrived at dinner. It was the first formal night so…

Oh, Christmas Cards! Oh, Christmas Cards!
I am not sure if anyone has ever noticed but I love my computer. I love how fast it connects, how much data it can store, and how…
What's that sound? Why's he singin' a song ?
Connected by MOTOBLUR™ on T-Mobile
Look, we still have dogs!
Just so you see they’re not being too neglected. I mean they are sharing that bed so some good has come of having a baby in the house. We’re…