The Yard

As I embark on this new day Super Dave has a job to do – I have a child to corral, maybe a movie, perhaps some shopping. Will it look like the picture upon my return? We shall see. I have complete faith. (I’m guessing 5 hours)

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UPDATE: In fact it did look remarkably like the picture.  So much so, that it’s not worth me trekking through the heat and humidity to get you a picture.  I did switch one swing for our baby swing (the red one with a back and a tray) – my baby is no daredevil, he likes comfort and security and, I’m pretty sure, to expend as little energy as possible (where does he get that from?).  Even on the eve of his third birthday he simply cannot be bothered to pedal a bike.  Perhaps he’s just a baby spaz – who knows? The nose.

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