Search Results for: tween

Halloween Costumes for Kids

Cute and Creative DIY Halloween Costumes for Kids

Halloween Costumes, Kids be like, “I wannabethegreenninjabatmanwiththisbloodymachete!” Budget tight? Out of time? Tell the truth. You just don’t want to walk into a retail store between now and after Christmas. That’s okay we’ve got you covered. Check out our round-up of the best DIY Halloween Costumes for Kids. These out of the closet and off-the-hobby-store-rack…

Girl walking through a field homeschool

Should I Homeschool?

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda! Deciding to homeschool is a very personal and specific decision. There are variables that make this not a one-size-fits-all question. And, a lot of the time, it may come down to just because you can, should you? You would not be here without the thought crossing your mind. So, I am going…

Should I Homeschool?

Should I Homeschool?

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda! Deciding to homeschool is a very personal and specific decision. There are variables that make this not a one-size-fits-all question. And, a lot of the time, it may come down to just because you can, should you? You wouldn’t be here without the thought crossing your mind. So, I am going to…