Good Mom Day

Sometimes there are just good days.

The four-year-old slept until 9:30am which gave me some good baby time AND a thirty-minute yoga session. There was even time for a shower and blow-dried hair. Wonder of wonders! Then this Super Mom managed some super fun counting-colors-shapes-sizes time with Mr. Four.

Further, the new automatic gate installation began…on time! There was a little attitude hiccup here because Mr. Four was a little distraught at the idea of his old fence being taken away. In fact, he told me: “I love that fence! I love old things!” Good news for you grandparents (wink, wink, nod, nod, say no more).  Though the ‘tude worked itself out.  When Mr. Four was “shooting” the gate guys with his bi-pod high-powered Nerf machine gun and one of the guys appropriately shot back with a double finger gun.  Mr. Four was appropriately chagrined and chilled his shiz out.

The Babe played for a very nice amount of time outside on a blanket while Super Mom managed to paint some stuff, including helping Mr. Four paint a bird house.  Then, we got a whole hour nap from the Babe..without the car!  I almost got a little yard stuff done.  We got as far as dumping water out of the empty trash cans and finding a whole “family” of rolly-pollies underneath.

Even after the Super Dad came home things went pretty well.  Xbox time was kept to just under an hour.  I managed to feed both children two complete meals throughout the day (which, they ate) so pizza for dinner didn’t bother me.  Besides, it pairs well with a glass of wine.  And, Mr. Four has decided cheese pizza is his favorite meal and ate five slices of a 12-inch pizza!

The Babe knocked out at 8pm, Mr. Four was out by 8:45pm, the parents were in bed by 9pm.  Life was good.  We even watched some adult programming (SVU and Family Guy).

Then, just as all the muscle aches were releasing and I was totally relaxing to go off to sleep my hand touched a seam and I realized I wore my underwear inside out all day.

Good Night, Houston!

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